IAEA Experts in Tehran to Raise New Nuclear Questions

Reports from Tehran say a team of U.N. experts is expected to meet with government officials Monday, seeking answers to more questions about Iran's nuclear activities.

Iranian news agencies say the International Atomic Energy Agency delegation, which arrived Sunday intends to ask about uranium contamination that U.N. inspectors found at the Technical University in Tehran, during a previous visit to Iran.

The IAEA and Iran agreed four months ago on a timetable for Iran to answer outstanding questions about its nuclear activities, such as the Technical University uranium incident.

A U.S. intelligence report made public last week concluded that Iran stopped its work on nuclear weapons in 2003, but Israel contends that Tehran still is operating a secret weapons development program.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday that Israel will continue to support IAEA efforts to gather more information about what he called the Iranian military's nuclear ambitions.

Although Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the destruction of Israel, Tehran has never acknowledged working on nuclear weapons. Iran says its atomic program is intended solely to generate electrical power for civilian uses.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP.