Death Toll From Algeria Bombings Up to 34

Algerian officials say the death toll from Tuesday's twin car bombings in Algiers has risen to 34, after three bodies were found in the ruins of the U.N. offices damaged in the attack.

Al-Qaida's North African wing has claimed responsibility for the bombings, which targeted the offices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the U.N. Development Program, and a government building.

Security sources have identified the suicide car bomber of the U.N. offices as an Islamic militant in his sixties.

Meanwhile, the head of the U.N. Development Program, Kemal Dervis, has flown to Algiers to evaluate the aftermath of the blasts. He said greater security is needed at U.N. offices around the world.

The White House says President Bush telephoned Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to offer condolences for the loss of innocent life at the hands of extremists.

A spokeswoman, Dana Perino, also says Mr. Bush reiterated his commitment to continuing U.S. counter-terrorism cooperation in North Africa in order to bring perpetrators of attacks to justice.

About a third of those killed in Tuesday's blasts were U.N. staff members. More than 100 people were wounded.

Algerian militants linked to al-Qaida have carried out a series of attacks in the country this year, including suicide bombings that killed 33 people in Algiers in April.

Algerian Islamists rose up against the government in 1992 when it scrapped elections that an Islamic party was poised to win.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.