Russia Deploys New Strategic Missiles

Russian news reports say the military has deployed another batch of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The announcement Sunday says three new Topol-M truck-mounted missile units have been positioned about 250 kilometers northeast of Moscow, in the Ivanovo region near Teikovo. A first batch of the mobile missiles were deployed in the area last year.

Analysts say the missile has an effective range of 10,000 kilometers and can carry a more than one-ton payload.

Russian military chiefs have been quoted as saying the mobile Topol missiles are aimed at countering U.S. missile shield plans in central Europe.

Russia opposes U.S. plans for 10 missile interceptors in Poland and guidance radar in the Czech Republic.

Washington says the missile shield will protect the United States and its European allies from potential missile attacks from Iran.

But Moscow insists the U.S. deployment will destabilize central and eastern Europe and lead to a new arms race.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.