Bush Says He Supports Probe into CIA Interrogation Tapes

President Bush says he supports a criminal investigation into the destruction of CIA videotapes showing interrogations of terror suspects.

Mr. Bush made the comment Thursday in an interview with Reuters new agency.

Earlier today, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said Mr. Bush will cooperate with U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey in the investigation. She said Mr. Bush has full confidence in both Mukasey and the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Hayden.

Mukasey announced the Justice Department investigation Wednesday, appointing federal prosecutor John Durham to lead the inquiry.

The CIA said last month that some videotapes of al-Qaida suspect interrogations, made in 2002, had been destroyed in 2005 to protect the identities of the interrogators. Critics of the move accuse the CIA of destroying evidence of torture.

President Bush has said the United States does not use torture as a method of interrogation.

Some information for this report was provided by Reuters.