Deputy Governor Among Several Killed in Suicide Blast in Afghanistan

A suicide bomb attack targeting a mosque in Afghanistan has left at least six people dead, including a provincial deputy governor. At least 18 others were wounded in the bombing. Ayaz Gul reports from neighboring Pakistan.

Local authorities and witnesses say the victims were praying in the mosque when the suicide bomber struck. The incident happened in Lashkar Gah, the capital of southern Afghanistan's Helmand Province.

The deputy provincial governor, Per Mohammad, was among those killed in the attack.

"[The] suicide bomber got into a mosque and detonated himself inside the mosque when the Muslim brothers were praying in the mosque," said Zamary Bashary, a spokesman for the Afghan Interior Ministry, "All of the injured and all of the death people are those who were praying in the mosque. The ministry of interior of Afghanistan very deeply condemns this act of the enemies of peace, the enemies of Islam and the enemies of Afghan people. "

Authorities in Afghanistan blame Taliban insurgents for such violent acts. Helmand Province is a major opium-poppy growing area and scene of frequent clashes between U.S.-led foreign troops and insurgents.

The mosque attack happened hours after another suicide bomber struck an Afghan army bus in Kabul, instantly killing one person and wounding several others.