Equatorial Guinea to Try Briton Accused of Plotting Coup

Equatorial Guinea says it will try a former British special forces officer accused of plotting to overthrow President Teodoro Obiang Nguema.

The government said Thursday that Simon Mann will receive a fair trial with all procedural safeguards.

It was the first time Equatorial Guinea has acknowledged Mann's extradition from Zimbabwe last week.

Equatorial Guinea broadcast images of Mann surrounded by security personnel on national television today. He was shown wearing a prison uniform with cuffs on his hands and ankles, and several days' growth of beard.

Mann was arrested in 2004 in Zimbabwe's capital Harare, where he met a plane carrying a group of men and weapons. Equatorial Guinea says the weapons were intended to overthrow its government. The men say they were headed to Congo for a security contract.

Mann's lawyers have expressed concern he will not receive a fair trial in Equatorial Guinea and could be tortured there.

Zimbabwe's High Court dismissed their appeal against his extradition. Mann served jail time in Zimbabwe on weapons and immigration charges.

In London Thursday, the House of Lords indefinitely suspended proceedings on a claim brought by Equatorial Guinea against Mann because it will not allow the defendant to meet his lawyers. Equatorial Guinea is suing Mann in Britain for damages.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.