Thousands of Afghans Continue to Protest Prophet Cartoon, Dutch Film

Thousands of Afghan students have held another protest against the reprinting of a Danish cartoon showing the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban.

The latest demonstration came Sunday in the eastern city of Jalalabad.

The protesters shouted slogans against Denmark and the Netherlands and denounced an upcoming Dutch film that reportedly criticizes the Koran. They also called for Danish and Dutch troops to be expelled from the NATO-led force in Afghanistan.

On Saturday, thousands of people marched through the western city of Herat.

Muslims consider any depiction of the Prophet Muhammad as blasphemous.

The cartoon published in Denmark was one of 12 that led to deadly riots across the Muslim world when they were first published in 2006.

Several Danish newspapers reprinted the cartoon last month in a show of support for the cartoonist, after police said they had uncovered a plot to kill him.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.