Colombia Says Ecuadorian Was Killed in Cross-Border Raid

Colombia's defense minister has confirmed that an Ecuadorian citizen was killed during Colombia's controversial March 1 raid on a rebel camp in Ecuador.

Juan Manuel Santos said Sunday one of two bodies brought to Colombia after the attack belonged to an Ecuadorian.

On Saturday, Ecuador's President Rafael Correa said diplomatic tensions with Colombia could rise if an Ecuadorian was killed in the raid.

Mr. Correa ordered an investigation after family members of a missing Ecuadorian locksmith named Franklin Aizalia claimed he was among those killed.

The attack inside Ecuador killed more than 20 people, including FARC rebel commander Raul Reyes.

Ecuador and its ally Venezuela condemned Colombia's raid as a violation of Ecuador's sovereignty. Mr. Correa and Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez ordered troops to their borders with Colombia.

Tensions eased a week later after the presidents of the three countries met at a regional summit in the Dominican Republic.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.