Venezuela Rejects Documents Colombia Says Links Chavez to FARC

Venezuela's foreign ministry has rejected Colombian charges that Venezuelan President Hugh Chavez is linked to the rebel group, FARC.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro also said he does not recognize documents Colombia says prove the charges. He called the documents inconsistent and incomprehensible.

But Colombian authorities say the documents show that Mr. Chavez planned to give FARC rebels $300 million. They say the documents were found in the computer of FARC leader Raul Reyes during a cross-border raid in Ecuador last month. Reyes was killed in that raid.

Venezuela and Ecuador responded to the raid by taking diplomatic action against Colombia and sending troops to the border with Colombia. The leaders of all three countries have since said they have settled the crisis.

Colombia apologized for the raid but called it a necessary part of the struggle against the FARC.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.