Official: Gaza Fuel Shortage May Cause Power Cuts

The director of the Gaza Strip's only power plant says it could shut down if Israel does not allow new fuel supplies to enter the Palestinian territory.

Director Rafik Maliha said Saturday the facility will stop completely in the next few days, leading to power cuts throughout Gaza.

Electricity in the Gaza Strip is jointly supplied by the power plant, as well as Egyptian and Israeli electric companies. The European Union also delivers fuel supplies to Gaza.

This week, Israel closed an important fuel terminal into Gaza - and launched air strikes and ground troops after Hamas militants attacked the depot, killing two Israeli civilians.

The militants say the raid was to protest both Israeli fuel cuts to Gaza and a crippling blockade.

Hamas, which rules Gaza, has threatened to storm its borders with Israel and Egypt, unless Israel ends its blockade of the region. Egypt sent hundreds of troops to the Sinai coastal city of El-Arish Wednesday to reinforce the border crossing.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.