Fierce Fighting Kills Eight in Somali Capital

Witnesses in Somalia say fighting between Islamist insurgents and Ethiopian troops has killed at least eight people in the capital, Mogadishu.

Residents say Ethiopian troops allied to Somalia's transitional government entered a neighborhood in the north of the city early Saturday, sparking fierce clashes with insurgents. They say at least two Ethiopian soldiers are among those killed.

Witnesses say at least five civilians were killed when a stray artillery shell struck a small restaurant in the city's Fagah neighborhood.

The Somali government has the backing of Ethiopian troops, who in 2006 helped drive a militant Islamist movement from power in southern Somalia.

Fighting between the insurgents and pro-government forces has killed thousands of Somalis during the past 16 months. The conflict has intensified the country's already dire humanitarian crisis.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.