Clinton, Obama Discuss Views Ahead of North Carolina, Indiana Primaries

The U.S. Democratic presidential contenders Sunday discussed a variety of topics from fuel prices to Iran ahead of crucial primaries Tuesday in North Carolina and Indiana.

Speaking on ABC's This Week news television program, Senator Clinton said she supports a temporary suspension of the national gasoline tax.

Senator Barack Obama, speaking on NBC's Meet the Press news program, said he is opposed to the plan because it would save consumers only 30 cents per day.

On Iran, Obama rebuked a comment made by Clinton in which she said if she were president she would "totally obliterate" Iran if it used nuclear weapons against Israel. Obama said that kind of language is not needed at this time.

On Saturday, Obama won the nominating caucuses in the U.S. territory of Guam by a seven-vote margin over Clinton, but they will split the small amount of delegates.

The caucuses also Guam to send delegates to the Democratic national nominating convention, but citizens of Guam do not vote in the general election in November.

In the overall race, Obama leads Clinton in the number of delegates pledged for the party's nomination, but he trails her slightly in the tally of "superdelegates," who are not elected in state primaries or caucuses and are free to vote for either candidate.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.