Iraq's First Lady Escapes Bomb Attack in Baghdad

The wife of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has escaped unhurt from a roadside bomb attack that hit her motorcade in Baghdad Sunday.

The motorcade was taking Hiro Ibrahim Ahmed to a cultural event when the bomb went off in Baghdad's Karrada district. Four of her bodyguards were wounded. It is not clear if the Iraqi first lady was the target of the attack.

Also in Baghdad, the U.S. military says U.S. forces killed nine insurgents during battles in several Shi'ite districts late Saturday and Sunday.

In other violence, gunmen pulled an Iraqi journalist, Serwa Abdul-Wahab from a car in the northern city of Mosul and shot her to death Sunday as she traveled to work.

Elsewhere, the U.S. military says coalition troops have killed 11 terrorists during operations in central and northern Iraq since Saturday.

An international media rights group, the Committee to Protect Journalists, says Iraq has become the world's most dangerous country for journalists since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.