Olympic Torch Crew Waiting to Ascend Everest

A spokesperson for the Chinese team taking the Olympic flame up Mount Everest says the mission is on track, despite a two-day delay because of snowstorms.

Zhang Zhijian said Tuesday that the climbing team, stationed at a base camp on the mountain, is repairing camp and rope lines damaged in the storms. He said they are waiting for the right weather to begin their ascent of the world's tallest peak, known in China as Qomolangma.

In a separate series of relays around China, the official Xinhua news agency says the Olympic flame is making its way to Guangdong province Tuesday after a tour around the southeastern resort island of Hainan.

No protests have been reported during the domestic leg of the Olympic torch run.

Demonstrations have taken place at several locations during the torch's five-continent journey. Most were over China's crackdown against protests in Tibet.

The torch is now traveling around mainland China, visiting provinces with large Tibetan populations in June, on its way to the opening of the Beijing Olympics on August 8.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.