Colombian Female Rebel Calls on Others to Surrender

One of Colombia's best known female rebel commanders has called on other members of FARC to surrender one day after turning herself in.

Nelly Avila Moreno, known as Karina, says she has been cut off from the leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia for years. She said the group is in disarray.

Avila turned herself in on Sunday.

Her decision follows the March murder of FARC's second in command, Ivan Rios, who was killed by a bodyguard to collect a bounty. Another FARC commander, Raul Reyes, was killed in an attack in Ecuador in March.

Authorities say Avila was responsible for massacres, kidnappings and attacks, including the murder of President Alvaro Uribe's father. She has denied any connection to that killing.

Officials say Avila will be able to seek leniency under a law designed to encourage the demobilization of rebels.

FARC is holding a number of hostages it wants to exchange for imprisoned guerrillas. French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt and three Americans are among FARC's hostages.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.