Report: Israeli PM Calls for Naval Blockade Against Iran

An Israeli newspaper reports that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is urging the United States to impose a naval blockade on Iran in an effort to curb its controversial nuclear program.

Israel's Haaretz newspaper says Wednesday that Mr. Olmert raised the issue during a meeting Monday with U.S. House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The report says Mr. Olmert told Pelosi that the present economic sanctions on Iran have exhausted themselves, and that aggressive action could be taken that is not violent.

According to the article, Mr. Olmert says international restrictions also should be placed on Iranian aircraft, business executives and senior officials.

Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev would not confirm the information.

The United States, Israel and other countries accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons under cover of a civilian energy program. Iran denies the charges.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.