US Military: Coalition Forces Detain 21 Suspected Terrorists in Iraq

The U.S. military says coalition forces have detained a suspected senior al-Qaida in Iraq leader and 20 other suspects since Thursday between Baghdad and Mosul.

A statement says four wanted men were captured in a raid Friday in Mosul, north of Baghdad. It says one of the men is believed to be an al-Qaida in Iraq leader responsible for leading bomb attacks against coalition troops.

The military says coalition forces also captured suspects and discovered bomb-making materials during raids on an al-Qaida in Iraq bombing network in Tikrit and further north.

In other news, the U.S. military says six Marines were wounded and their Iraqi interpreter was killed by a roadside bomb that targeted their patrol in Fallujah, west of Baghdad. Officials say two policemen were also wounded in another blast in Fallujah.

Separately, the U.S. military says a coalition soldier was killed in a roadside bomb attack near Baghdad on Thursday.