New Iranian Parliament Speaker Threatens to Limit IAEA Cooperation

Iran's new parliamentary speaker says Tehran could reduce its cooperation with the United Nations nuclear agency.

Ali Larijani told parliament moments after being elected Wednesday that a new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency is deceptive. He accused the IAEA of using ambiguous language suitable for media campaigns.

Larijani said if the IAEA continues on a similar path, Iran's parliament could limit Tehran's work with the U.N. agency.

The IAEA report released Monday says Iran has not provided enough evidence to refute Western accusations it is trying to make nuclear weapons.

Tehran dismisses the accusations, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Iran has the right to enrich uranium, which can be used in building a nuclear weapon.

Larijani is a former nuclear negotiator and a critic of President Ahmadinejad.

Larijani said he quit his nuclear post last year because he disagreed with the president's handling of the nuclear issue.

The Iranian president has ignored U.N. Security Council sanctions demanding Tehran stop enriching uranium.

President Ahmadinejad says the demands are illegal, and that Iran's nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.