Senator Barack Obama Says He Wants to Make College Affordable

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama says if elected president he plans to make college affordable for everyone.

Speaking to students at a community college in Michigan Tuesday, Obama discussed several initiatives he says he would implement including a $4,000 tax credit for students who cannot afford college. He also said he would require student loans be provided by the federal government.

The Illinois senator said there would be requirements to receive the tax credit, including 100 hours of community service.

On Monday, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore endorsed Obama, saying in Detroit, Michigan, that Obama is the candidate to lead the country toward a better future.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee, John McCain, is campaigning Tuesday in Texas, where the veteran Arizona lawmaker is to call for the lifting of a ban on offshore U.S. oil and natural gas exploration.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.