Bomb Attacks Kill 14 Across Iraq

Iraqi security officials say bomb attacks killed at least 14 people in northern and western Iraq Wednesday.

Police say two nearly simultaneous bomb blasts killed six people, including four policemen, outside a bank in the western province of Anbar today.

They say the bombs exploded within minutes of each other in the central city of Fallujah, wounding at least 18 other people.

In other violence, Iraqi officials say a suicide car bomber struck the convoy of a senior Iraqi army officer in the northern city of Mosul. Officials say the blast killed eight civilians, and wounded at least 26 other people.

The officer, General Riyadh Jalal Tawfiq, head of security operations in Mosul and the surrounding Nineveh province, was unharmed.

Elsewhere in Mosul, security officials say gunmen shot and killed a policeman.

And in Salah ad Din province, north of Baghdad, the U.S. military says an explosion killed one coalition soldier and wounded two others during a security operation.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.