US Presidential Hopeful Obama Meets British PM

U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama has met with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in London during his final stop on an international tour to boost his foreign policy credentials ahead of the November election.

After the meeting (today/Saturday) , Senator Obama spoke to reporters outside the prime minister's residence (at 10 Downing Street).

Obama said he and Mr. Brown discussed strengthening the relationship between the two countries, particularly in areas of common interest, such as global warming and international terrorism.

Earlier, Obama had breakfast with Britain's previous leader, Tony Blair.

Later in the day, Obama plans to meet with the leader of Britain's opposition Conservative Party, David Cameron, whose party is riding high in public opinion polls.

Obama flew to London Friday after meeting with French President Nicholas Sarkozy in Paris. The two held talks on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and discussed Iran's nuclear program.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.