2 Bombs Defused in India's Ahmedabad After Deadly Attacks

Indian authorities have defused two bombs in Ahmedabad a day after bomb attacks in the city killed at least 45 people and wounded 160.

The bombs were found Sunday as security forces fanned out across the commercial capital of western India's Gujarat state. A day earlier, two waves of bombings struck Ahmedabad, targeting a busy market and a hospital. About 30 people have been detained for questioning.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned the terrorist attacks and appealed for restraint.

Also Sunday, police in Gujarat found a car carrying explosive material in the city of Surat, south of Ahmedabad. And Indian police raided a home in the city of Mumbai suspected of being the location of an e-mail claiming responsibility for the attacks.

Smaller-scale bombings hit the southern Indian city of Bangalore Friday, killing at least one person.

South Africa's government also condemned the bombings, saying terrorism can never be justified by any cause.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is expected to travel to Ahmedabad Monday to visit wounded survivors.

A little-known group called "Indian Mujahedin" said it carried out the Ahmedabad bombings in an e-mail sent to local media minutes before the blasts began.

Indian officials said the attacks were meant to destabilize the country by inciting communal tension. Ahmedabad was the scene of deadly Hindu-Muslim riots in 2002 that killed at least 1,000 people, mostly Muslims.

Major Indian cities have been hit by a series of bombings in recent years. India has blamed most of them on Islamic militants backed by Pakistan. Islamabad denies involvement in the attacks.