US Forces Capture 25 Suspected Terrorists in Iraq

The U.S. military says it has captured a number of key terrorist leaders in a series of operations aimed at weakening al-Qaida in Iraq.

The military says its forces spread out across central and northern Iraq Thursday, detaining 25 suspected terrorists.

Officials say one of the suspects is an alleged leader of an al-Qaida cell in Baghdad who was helping to bring foreign terrorists into Iraq. Forces also arrested a man thought to be senior al-Qaida leader in Mosul.

In violence Wednesday, a suicide car bomber attacked an Iraqi army patrol in the northern city of Mosul, killing three people and wounding 14 others. In Baghdad, the military said a roadside bomb wounded three Iraqi civilians.

The military also said Iraqi soldiers recovered Iranian-made rockets and other weapons in Baghdad's Sadr City district on Monday. It said some of the Iranian munitions had a manufacture date of early 2008.