Afghanistan's Karzai to Run for Office Again

Afghan President Hamid Karzai says he plans to run for re-election next year.

In an interview with the Associated Press Tuesday, Mr. Karzai said he has tried to rebuild Afghanistan into a peaceful, prosperous and democratic country. He said although he has achieved some of those objectives, he still has more work to do.

The Afghan leader said his country is not yet at peace, and is without a properly functioning government. He said the Afghan people are still suffering in the war on terror and what he called the "war for stability" in Afghanistan.

Last month, then-Attorney General Abdul Jabar Sabet announced his plans to run for president. Mr. Karzai removed him from office the next day, arguing the post should be free of political influences.

President Karzai has played a leading role in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban in 2001 and was elected president in 2004. His government has been criticized for not doing enough to eliminate corruption or bring under control warlords who control much of the country.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.