Indian Police Arrest More Suspects in Connection With Bombings

Police in India have detained five more suspects in connection with a series of deadly blasts in two cities.

Police Chief Hasan Gafoor Wednesday said the suspects were arrested in Mumbai and were members of the Islamist group, Indian Mujahideen.

Gafoor said one of the detained suspects, Mohammed Sadiq, was a mastermind in the attacks in the capital, New Delhi, and the western state of Gujarat.

Indian Mujahideen has said it was behind the September 13 bombings in busy markets in the capital, that left at least 22 dead. The group also says it was behind a series of explosions in July that killed at least 45 people in Gujarat.

Gafoor Wednesday said authorities had made a serious dent in terrorist activity with the latest arrests, with email intercepts showing the next target was Mumbai.

He also said three of the suspects were trained in hostile countries. Police last week said Indian Mujahideen has received support from a Pakistan-based militant group, Lashkar-e-Taiba.

So far, police have arrested at least nine suspects in connection with the two bomb attacks. Two other suspects were killed during a raid on a home in New Delhi.