Iran Avoids New Sanctions in Security Council Vote

The United Nations Security Council has adopted a resolution ordering Iran to halt its uranium enrichment program -- but the council did not impose any new sanctions.

The 15 council members voted unanimously Saturday for a measure that reaffirms three previous sets of sanctions on Iran.

The resolution states that previous resolutions are legally binding and must be carried out. It also calls on Iran to cooperate fully with the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is investigating whether Iran has conducted research on nuclear weapons.

The resolution offers Iran the choice of incentives to stop enriching uranium or face the threat of more sanctions.

Iran's Mission to the U.N. called the resolution unfortunate and unwarranted. It said Iran's nuclear program is strictly for peaceful purposes, and it said Iran remains determined to exercise its "inalienable right" to the peaceful use of nuclear technology.

Iran denies Western charges that it has secretly worked to develop nuclear weapons.

Enriched uranium can be used both to generate power and to build a nuclear weapon.

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.