Russia, North Korea Pledge Closer Ties

Russia and North Korea have pledged to boost cooperation on international issues, following a meeting of the countries' foreign ministers in Moscow.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held talks with his North Korean counterpart, Pak Ui Chun, in the Russian capital Wednesday.

Pak's visit to Moscow coincided with the 60th anniversary of relations between Russia and North Korea.

The foreign ministers were expected to discuss North Korea's nuclear disarmament process.

Russia is one of five foreign powers working with North Korea on the dismantling of its nuclear weapons program.

Pyongyang readmitted United Nations inspectors to its main nuclear complex this week and pledged to stop its nuclear activities.

On Saturday, Washington removed North Korea from a list of states sponsoring terrorism, saying Pyongyang had agreed to all of its nuclear inspection demands.

Nuclear negotiators say the action will help get the six-nation nuclear talks back on track.

Some information for this report was provided by Reuters.