Palin Falls Prey to Prank

U.S. vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has fallen prey to a prank phone call from a Canadian comedian impersonating French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

When the caller with a thick French accent told Palin Saturday he could see her as president, she said, "Maybe in eight years."

The comedian, Marc-Antoine Audette of a popular Montreal radio station team, made several outrageous comments. He also told Palin he enjoys hunting and loves "killing those animals." Palin responded by saying, "We should go hunting together, . . . have fun . . . as we're getting work done."

The caller eventually revealed the prank, which Palin briefly acknowledged before handing the phone to an aide who ended the call.

An aide later said Palin was mildly amused by the prank.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.