High Voter Turnout in Brooklyn, New York

This is Margaret Besheer in Brooklyn, New York. I am outside a polling precinct in a heavily Democratic part of the city. Polls opened at 6:00 a.m. and voting lines began growing quickly.

Daniel Squadron, a first-time Democratic party candidate for the New York state senate was making his final pitch to voters waiting in line.

"I have never seen a line like this at my polling place, across my district or across the country," Squadron said. "It has been an amazing and inspiring day to be an American, it really is."

Voters here say the economy, the war in Iraq, and civil rights are among the issues that concern them.

"The issues that are important to me are ending the war in Iraq and civil rights," a voter said.

"The issues that are important to me are women's rights for pro-choice, and also civil unions for same sex couples," another voter said.

Presidential hopeful Barack Obama is expected to do well in New York City.