Taliban Targets NATO Convoy in Pakistan

Pakistani officials said suspected Taliban militants fired rocket-propelled grenades at a NATO supply convoy, killing a woman in a nearby house and wounding at least one of her children.

Officials Wednesday said the grenades missed the convoy and hit the house in Pakistan's Khyber tribal district.

This is the latest in a string of attacks on convoys heading for the Khyber Pass, the main route into Afghanistan along the mountainous border. Officials said the convoy continued on its way to Afghanistan.

Earlier this week, a Pakistani truckers association said many truck drivers are refusing to carry supplies into Afghanistan because of the sharp rise in attacks along the route.

NATO officials and local authorities both downplayed the truckers' claim. NATO spokesmen said there has been no major disruption in their supply lines.

U.S. and NATO-led forces in Afghanistan said they get more than 70 percent of their supplies by road through Pakistan. Military commanders have been searching for other routes, including through the Central Asian states to the north, as insurgents have increasingly targeted military shipments traveling through Pakistan.

Two attacks near Peshawar last week destroyed hundreds of military vehicles.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.