Europeans Protest Gaza Violence

Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest the ongoing violence in Gaza Saturday in demonstrations in Western European cities.

In London, protesters massed outside the Israeli Embassy, waving Palestinian flags and calling for an immediate end to Israel's military strikes on Gaza. The demonstrators - British Muslims, members of left-leaning political groups, and students, among others - held up huge banners condemning the attacks as a crime against humanity.

In France, tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital, Paris. Protests were also held in smaller cities around the country.

In the German city of Duisburg, an estimated 10-thousand people marched through the streets to call for a lifting of the blockade and for an immediate end to the violence in Gaza. The protest was peaceful, although several demonstrators did throw snowballs at an Israeli flag.

Protests were also held in the German capital, Berlin.

News reports say a pro-Israeli rally is scheduled to take place on Sunday in London's Trafalgar Square.

Separately, in Algeria, a government statement said at least 60 people were injured during an anti-Israeli protest in the capital, Algiers, on Friday. The Interior Ministry said at least 40 protesters and 23 police officers were injured when police clashed with stone-throwing demonstrators.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.