Afghan Officials, Coalition Forces Investigate Casualty Controversy

U.S. officials in Afghanistan say coalition forces are meeting with Afghan officials to investigate reports of civilian casualties as a result of a raid in eastern Afghanistan.

Statements from local government leaders and U.S. military officials said coalition forces targeted a Taliban network Monday in Kapisa province, killing 18 insurgents and one Taliban commander. The reports say no civilian casualties resulted from the coalition's ground and air assaults.

But a statement Wednesday from the U.S. military says an Afghan news agency has reported that coalition troops killed 25 civilians during the operation.

A spokesman for U.S. forces in Afghanistan says the investigation into recent operations in Kapisa will " weigh all inputs to determine the truth".

The military also said its forces killed another Taliban commander and two insurgents during other raids Monday in the Kandahar and Zabul provinces.

Violence has risen in Afghanistan as militants have made a comeback after their initial defeat following the U.S.-led invasion in 2001.