Rwandan Genocide Court Upholds Official's Life Sentence

An appeals court has upheld the life sentence given to a former Rwandan official charged with killing Tutsis during the country's 1994 genocide.

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda sentenced Francois Karera to life in prison in December 2007 on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity.

The appeals chamber of the Tanzania-based court upheld that ruling Monday.

Three counts of Karera's earlier conviction were reversed. Others such as ordering genocide and extermination of ethnic Tutsis in Kigali-Rural province, where Karera was regional chief in 1994, were maintained.

The court says Karera will remain in detention in Arusha, Tanzania, pending his transfer to the country where he will serve his sentence. The tribunal did not specify which country.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP.