Susan Tsvangirai, Wife of Zimbabwe's Prime Minister, Laid to Rest in Rural Home

Thousands of people flocked the town of Buhera in Zimbabwe's Manicaland province to attend the burial Wednesday of Susan Tsvangirai, wife of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, who died late last week in a highway collision between the car in which the couple were traveling and large truck that veered into their lane.

Mrs. Tsvangirai was laid to rest in her home village of Humanikwa, outside Buhera, also the home town of Morgan Tsvangirai, who with his children tossed flowers on her coffin.

Correspondent Thomas Chiripasi of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe reported from Buhera.

Some believe Susan Tsvangirai's death could inspire a movement toward reconciliation based on comments by President Robert Mugabe at a church service held in Harare on Tuesday, as initial suspicions of foul play gave way to the conclusion the crash was accidental.

Deputy Chairman George Mkhwananzi of the National Constitutional Assembly told reporter Ntungamili Nkomo of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that Mr. Mugabe's call for supporters of his long-ruling ZANU-PF party to shun violence and rally behind the unity government was significant – but he voiced doubt as to how deep Mr. Mugabe's change runs.

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