Burma PM to Visit Indonesia, Singapore

Burma's prime minister, General Thein Sein, will make official visits to Indonesia and Singapore later this month.

Burma's state-owned New Light of Myanmar newspaper said the prime minister would make the visits in the near future. It gave no further details of his plans.

However, Burmese officials said on condition of anonymity that General Thein Sein will depart Sunday for Indonesia.

Burma, Indonesia and Singapore all belong to the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian nations, which held a summit in Thailand earlier this month.

During that meeting, Southeast Asian leaders encouraged Burma's military government to release political detainees and open up next year's election to more political parties.

The military has ruled Burma since 1962. The government has created a "roadmap to democracy," but critics say it further strengthens the generals' grip on power.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.