Obama: G20 Must Find Common Ground

Leaders of the group of 20 major economies are meeting in London at a summit aimed at drafting solutions to the global economic crisis.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown greeted the various heads of government as they arrived at the summit location Thursday.

Both Mr. Brown and U.S. President Barack Obama have expressed confidence that G-20 leaders will come up with a strong agreement.

The U.S. and Britain want more government spending to spur economic growth but France and Germany have pushed to make tighter financial regulations the primary focus.

Mr. Obama has downplayed the differences and said G20 leaders can come up with a plan that does both.

After meeting with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown Wednesday, Mr. Obama said there is enormous consensus among the G20 leaders that they have to work together to revive the economy.

Both he and Mr. Brown say they reject protectionism.

The G20 summit marks the Mr. Obama's first appearance at a major meeting of world leaders.

The G20 members are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, Britain, the United States and the European Union.