Madagascar Leadership to Begin Compiling First 50 Days in Government

Madagascar's new government will today (Monday) begin compiling a report of its first 50 days in government following the resignation of former President Marc Ravalomanana. President Andry Rajoelina's government said despite enormous challenges, it is determined to help alleviate the suffering of the ordinary Malagasy. The new administration however dismissed as unfounded accusations that it ordered the military to use violence to prevent opposition protests.

In an exclusive interview with the VOA, Prime Minister Monja Roindefo said that the new government is determined to work for a better life for its citizens.

"As you know, we have already almost 50 days on the government and we are making the report of these 50 days. I have gone on a tour around Madagascar up to now through these regions which have been struck by the typhoon here in Madagascar," Roindefo said.

He said the new government has more to do before it can resolve the enormous economic challenges facing the ordinary Malagasy

"And we could see that there is a lot to be done here in terms of improvement in the Malagasy life to reconstruct the infrastructure. So, we are conscience that we have a lot to do in this government," he said.

He praised the country's international partners who maintain support to Antananarivo despite the political impasse that threatens its stability.

"Thanks to God up to now, our technical and financial partners, they have not cancelled out the aid to Madagascar. The European Union, the African Bank for Development, and the French Agency for Development all of them have continued to support the Malagasy effort to alleviate the poverty here in Madagascar," he said.

Roindefo dismissed recent calls by former President Ravalomanana for peace negotiations with the new government with the aim of power sharing.

"We have never rejected dialogue it was him (Ravalomanana) who has rejected dialogue. It was him who has killed a lot of people and who has not listened to the people," Roindefo said.

He said the United States Ambassador to Madagascar has played a pivotal role in promoting dialogue between the political divide aimed at resolving the ongoing political impasse between Ravalomanana and current President Rajoelina supporters.

"It is only him (American Ambassador) who forces the hands of the Malagasy people to go again for this dialogue with Marc Ravalomanana. What we need here is a dialogue between the Malagasy itself," he said.

Roindefo rejected as untrue accusations that opposition supporters were prevented from protesting.

"It is not true because you know that we are democrats. We have given our lives to struggle against this dictatorship. But the one thing that we have to discern that we invite our discernment is that fact that those demonstrators who have demonstrated in Antananarivo, in this place of democracy that the President Andry Rajoelina has advertised as a place of democracy," Roindefo said.

Meanwhile, weeks before President Ravalomanana's forced resignation, Andry Rajoelina had only just emerged as the undisputed opposition leader, and Ravalomanana's grip on power appeared under little threat. But political analysts argue his impatience with civil demonstrations cost him dearly.

After initially allowing partisans of the former president to vent their disappointment via daily protests, the transitional government, led by former opposition leader Andry Rajoelina, tightened the screws, banning rallies and unleashing security forces on transgressors.

The new president, a former disc jockey who became a successful businessman before winning the mayoral race in the capital, Antananarivo, relied heavily on his private radio and television network to mobilize support. He accused Ravalomanana of dictatorship and of flouting the constitution after the president banned protests.

To encourage his supporters, Rajoelina announced that foreign investors already wanted to come to Madagascar for tourism projects. Analysts say Rajoelina, the youngest president in Madagascar's history, has ambition but his way is style fraught with pitfalls.

The international community condemned Rajoelina's assumption of power after the former president was reportedly forced to resign. The African Union condemned his take over as a coup d'état while the regional Southern African Development Community (SADC) refused to recognize the new administration and suspended Madagascar from the regional body.