Coalition Air Strikes in Afghanistan Kill 12 Militants

U.S.-led coalition forces in Afghanistan say air strikes have killed at least 12 militants allegedly involved in sneaking foreign fighters from Pakistan into Afghanistan.

The coalition said in a statement Tuesday the overnight strikes hit a pair of bunkers in eastern Khost province. The operation targeted insurgents linked to Taliban militant leader Siraj Haqqani, who is accused of carrying out many attacks in Afghanistan.

The exact number of militant casualties is still not clear.

Meanwhile, at a main border checkpoint in eastern Afghanistan, officials say a male suicide bomber disguised himself as a woman and attacked the Torkham crossing.

Authorities say the burqa-clad bomber blew himself up at the women's crossing point, killing a police officer and a child. They say the bombing also wounded at least 10 people.

Torkham is one of the main border crossings between Pakistan and Afghanistan.