Compromise Reached in Jerusalem Child-Starving Case

Israeli authorities have agreed to release an ultra-Orthodox woman detained on suspicion of child abuse, in a move that may end days of rioting in the capital.

An Israeli court Friday agreed to allow the woman to stay at the home of a rabbi, under the condition that she undergo psychiatric evaluation and pay a $100,000 bail.

The woman is accused of starving her three-year-old child to a weight of seven kilograms.

Her arrest sparked violent protests in Jerusalem by ultra-Orthodox Jews who defend the woman and accuse authorities of persecuting the religious community.

Religious riots flared last month when the city decided to keep a parking lot open on Saturdays. Orthodox Jews condemned the move as a desecration of the Sabbath.

The violence has angered secular Jews who describe Israel as a modern, democratic country where religion is a choice.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.