Officials: Tribal Clash Kills 160 in Southern Sudan

Officials say renewed tribal clashes in southern Sudan have killed more than 160 people.

Fighters from the Murle ethnic group attacked a riverside camp in the Akobo area of Jonglei state at dawn Sunday.

Akobo commissioner Goi Jooyul Yol says 161 people were killed, the majority of them women and children.

He said the dead also include 11 soldiers of southern Sudan's army.

Most of the victims are said to be from the Lou Nuer ethnic group, which has been locked a bloody war with the Murle.

Fighting between the two tribes has killed several hundred people this year.

Clashes over cattle raiding are common in southern Sudan. But, the United Nations' top humanitarian official, John Holmes, has expressed concern about the Jonglei violence, saying the region cannot afford another war.

Jonglei state was one of the areas worst affected by Sudan's 21-year north-south civil war, which ended in 2005.