Iraqi FM: Security Forces Possibly Involved in Baghdad Blasts

Iraq's foreign minister says militants responsible for deadly bombings outside Iraq's foreign and finance ministries had help, possibly from the country's security forces.

Hoshyar Zebari also questioned the government's decision to remove concrete walls around the ministries, a move he said allowed large trucks to pass through and carry out Wednesday's blasts.

He said security in the capital has deteriorated during the past two months, and he warned of more powerful attacks in Baghdad in coming days because of security breakdowns.

On Friday, security officials announced the arrests of some people allied with the outlawed Baath party of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, in connection with Wednesday's attacks.

More than 100 people died and another 500 were wounded in the attacks, the deadliest day in Baghdad since U.S. combat troops withdrew from urban areas on June 30.

The Iraqi capital had been devastated by a series of attacks, prompting Iraqi lawmakers to call for a thorough review of their country's security forces.

On Saturday, gunmen attacked a military checkpoint in northern Baghdad, killing two soldiers and wounding a third.

An Iraqi official said the attack took place in Azamiyah, a mostly Sunni neighborhood, and that the suspects escaped by car.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.