Lebanon Opposition Rejects Proposed Cabinet

Lebanon's Hezbollah-led opposition has rejected a proposed Cabinet line-up by prime minister-designate Saad Hariri.

Members of Hezbollah and its allies met with Lebanese President Michel Suleiman Tuesday to explain their opposition to Mr. Hariri's proposed unity government.

Mr. Hariri submitted his picks for the 30-seat Cabinet to President Suleiman Monday, with 15 of those seats designated for his own alliance. Hezbollah would get 10 seats, and Mr. Hariri would pick the remaining five ministers.

But Hezbollah chief, Hassan Nasrallah, criticized Mr. Hariri's picks, saying they would further complicate Lebanon's political situation.

Mr. Hariri's picks also fail to meet the demands of the Free Patriotic Movement, Hezbollah's key Christian ally.

Mr. Hariri has been trying to put together a Cabinet since he was named prime minister in late June, but politicians have disagreed about the distribution of key posts.

Some observers say Mr. Hariri may step down if President Suleiman does not approve his Cabinet.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.