China Denies Border Troops Entered India

China rejects Indian reports that its army crossed the border into India's Ladakh region in Jammu and Kashmir.

Indian media reported that Chinese troops came more than a kilometer into Indian territory near Mount Gya. Once in India, Chinese troops reportedly marked boulders and rocks with red spray paint.

On Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu says the Indian reports are untrue.

Jiang says the border patrol operates strictly according to law and will never enter another country's territory. She also says China and India should make joint efforts to safeguard peace and tranquility along the border.

This latest incident comes shortly after Indian media reported that a Chinese helicopter entered Indian air space.

On Monday, India's Ministry of External Affairs said the incursions will be sorted out diplomatically. A senior Indian official also said that the border with China is one of the most peaceful boundaries that India shares with other countries.

India and China share an almost 3,200-kilometer border in the Himalayas. China is India's largest trading partner, with trade set to exceed $60 billion next year. That figure is 30 times more than it was 10 years ago.

India's ambassador to China, S. Jaishankar, recently said in an interview with official Chinese media that one of the biggest challenges is to improve understanding between the Indian and Chinese peoples.

The Indian ambassador dismissed media reports of border conflict as "sensational" and "alarmist."

However, the two countries have unresolved border disputes. They fought a bitter war in 1962, after China invaded to try to claim land India considers its territories, including the Ladakh region where the latest incursions happened.