Thousands Rally Against US Government Spending

Americans protesting what they say is out-of-control spending by the nation's political leaders are rallying in Washington to voice their displeasure.

Demonstrators from across the United States marched on the Capitol building Saturday, chanting slogans, waving American flags and demanding U.S. President Barack Obama and Congress slash spending.

An Internet site run by protest organizers said tens of thousands of demonstrators were expected to attend the rally and the crowds filled several streets leading to the Capitol.

Many of the protesters say they are outraged over the billions of dollars spent on bank bailouts and the billions more in proposed spending on health care reforms.

Organizers say the march and rally are the culmination of a series of events held across the country in recent weeks.

The rally is organized by several political groups, including the Tea Party Patriots, ResistNet, and Freedomworks, a Washington-based organization headed by former congressman Dick Armey.

Several top Republicans are slated to speak at the event, including a U.S. senator and several members of the House of Representatives.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.