Republicans Issue Warning on Obama Health Plan

Republicans say the Obama administration's efforts to overhaul the U.S. health-care system will create a government run system similar to that of Canada or Britain.

In the Republican's weekly national radio and Internet address, U.S. Representative Sue Myrick of North Carolina warned the Democratic-backed health-care reform bill currently in Congress will lead to delays in treatment that will threaten health or worse.

Myrick related her own experiences fighting breast cancer, citing the multiple doctors and specialized treatment she required. She says that under government run plans like those in Canada and the United Kingdom she would not have been able to get the treatment she received.

She said one international study found that three times as many citizens in those countries wait longer to see a specialist. She says in some cases, that could mean life or death.

She said all the different names given to the various Democratic health reform bills are all gateways to government-run health care.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.