Kenyans Await Kofi Annan’s Arrival Sunday

Kenyans Await Kofi Annan’s Arrival Sunday

Kenyans are excited by the news that former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan is scheduled to arrive in Nairobi this Sunday.

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Mr. Annan is expected to hold discussions with both President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to push for much needed reforms.

He was instrumental in bringing about the agreement that led to the formation of Kenya's unity government.

But the government has so far failed to implement many of the reforms recommended in the report prompting intense local and international criticism.

Mustapha Ali, a political analyst said Kenyans want Annan to put more pressure on the government to deliver.

"I think it is a good thing that Kofi Annan is coming to Kenya on Sunday to basically take stock of the progress made so far in the national accord that was signed sometime last year," Ali said.

He said the international community wants the reforms implemented.

"It shows the seriousness with which the mediator Kofi Annan and the international community are taking to make sure that the accord that was signed actually is implemented to the letter," he said.

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Ali said Washington's insistence on the agreement's implementation could ensure the government keeps its word.

"The problem is most of these leaders in government only respond to pressure and without pressure they don't seem to be doing anything or even interested in the reform itself," Ali said.

He said Kenyans want more pressure on the government to act.

"The mood of Kenyans is that there has to be pressure on government and government officials," he said.

Ali said some government officials are opposing the reforms because their personal gain.

"(They oppose it) because it is not in their interest. Those people mentioned in the Waki report and all those reports and the kind of reforms that are now required in the country is targeting the very people who are in government, and therefore they are not ready first of all to leave and or to be shamed publicly if these reforms actually take place," Ali said.

Meanwhile, Kofi Annan's arrival also coincides with the arrival of the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court who is also scheduled to meet with the president and the prime minister.

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Louis Moreno Ocampo seeks to prosecute perpetrators of Kenya's 2007 post-election violence.

Ali said Ocampo's arrival will also add pressure on the government to cooperate in the trial of the instigators of the post-election violence.

"I think it will just add onto the tempo with which those perpetrators of the post-election violence are supposed to be pursued," Ali said.

He praised Kenya's parliament for holding the government accountable over its failure to fully implement the reforms demanded by Kenyans.

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