10 Afghan Troops Killed in Helmand, Nuristan Fighting

Afghanistan's Defense Ministry says 10 Afghan soldiers have died and around 100 Taliban militants were killed or wounded in separate operations.

The ministry says the fighting took place in southern Helmand province and eastern Nuristan province in the last 24 hours.

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Afghan and international troops are searching Nuristan's mountains and forests for fighters responsible for killing eight U.S. soldiers Saturday. It was the deadliest attack on U.S. forces in months.

NATO said Tuesday it believes the Taliban may have helped local Afghan people carry out the attack. It says a more detailed assessment of Saturday's fight determined that 100 of those fighters were killed.

U.S. President Barack Obama will discuss the war with Congressional leaders at the White House on Tuesday.

The talks follow contentious debate among the president and his top military and political advisers about what strategy the U.S. should pursue in Afghanistan.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday the United States is not considering withdrawing from the region.

In London, the former British Army chief says Prime Minister Gordon Brown is refusing to send more troops to Afghanistan, against the advice of military commanders.

Retired General Richard Dannatt told The Sun newspaper that Mr. Brown has rejected a request for 2,000 extra soldiers. His remarks were published Tuesday.

The British Defense Ministry says it will review its troop numbers in Afghanistan. Britain currently has 9,000 troops in the country.

The British Defense Ministry said Tuesday one of those troops died in an explosion in Helmand province on Monday.