No Breakthrough as Delegation Leaves Honduras

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A diplomatic delegation has left Honduras without resolving an ongoing political stalemate over the ouster of President Manuel Zelaya.

Members of the delegation sponsored by the Organization of American States departed Thursday, following talks a day earlier with representatives of both interim President Roberto Micheletti and Mr. Zelaya.

Envoys also met with Mr. Micheletti, who criticized the diplomats for failing to understand why Mr. Zelaya was forcibly removed from office June 28. Additionally, Mr. Micheletti criticized the suspension of aid to the Central American nation.

Mr. Zelaya was forced into exile following his overthrow in a military-backed coup. He slipped into Honduras September 21 and took refuge at the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa.

His opponents say Mr. Zelaya was ousted because he was illegally trying to change the constitution to extend his term in office.

The international community has refused to recognize the interim government, and called for Mr. Zelaya to be reinstated with limited powers until a presidential election is held. Mr. Zelaya's group insists that elections scheduled for November 29 be delayed if he is not reinstated by then.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.