Red Cross: Kidnapped French Aid Worker in Good Spirits

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says a staff member who was kidnapped in Darfur three days ago is doing well and is in good spirits.

The kidnappers allowed Red Cross officials to speak with Gauthier Lefevre by telephone for the first time on Sunday.

Lefevre, a French national, was traveling in one of two clearly marked Red Cross vehicles when he was abducted Thursday near the town of Al Geneina in West Darfur.

The Red Cross says Lefevre was taken captive after he and another staffer had just completed a trip to help local communities upgrade their water systems.

The captors have not made any ransom demands.

Foreign aid groups have faced increased hostility in Darfur since the International Criminal Court indicted Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir in March for alleged war crimes.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and Reuters.