Car Bomb Kills At Least 2 in Iraq - 2004-01-14

Iraqi police say at least two people were killed and more than a dozen others injured in a car bomb explosion Wednesday in the central town of Baquba. The driver of the car is reported among the dead.

The blast occurred outside a police station in Baquba. One policeman is quoted as saying he saw a car racing toward the station shortly before the explosion. He said police opened fire on the car after the driver ignored an order to stop. The policeman said the car then exploded. A number of Iraqi policemen are among the injured.

Anti-coalition insurgents have frequently targeted Iraqi police and government institutions as well as coalition forces.

Last Friday, a bomb exploded outside a Shi'ite Muslim mosque in Baquba, killing five worshippers and wounding dozens. A second bomb at another Shi'ite mosque was found and defused before it could explode.